So I hit the Verizon site. Then I try through my company's HR portal. Then I try through the link that Verizon's customer service gave me. I am met with error after error every fucking time I try to register my information electronically on America's Most Reliable Network's website. I can't tell you how many times a day I sit in front of my computer monitor and give it the big Finger.
It turns out the ghost in the VZ shell has been counting, and is taking responsibility for 4 of those times:
I do appreciate the response Verizon Bot, but it's too little too late. I am now faxing in my registration to your human handlers. I hope they RSVP S'IL VOUS PLAIT.
Our discount is email based. put your email address in, checks the ending of it. Sends you an email, you click the link, and bam you're done.