February 6, 2011

RPM Challenge 2011 - Day 6

Well I've seem to have fallen back on my old habit of just coming up with a lot of riffs that sort of fit together, then starting a new song and completely forgetting how the last one went. Fortunately, I am video recording everything new I come up with AND writing down the tablature (the failure of which was big mistake last year).

I have been slowly adding lyrics to the themes I had started, but the music portion is sort of taking off on its own. I don't want to be inefficient, so I hope they meet somewhere down the road but at the same time I don't want to force fit them. The final progress report for the weekend is not going to look very good. I slept A LOT and worked on music A LITTLE. This is what I've unofficially recorded (titles are just what I saved them as):

"Another Knight Rider Storms the Bus/Bites the Dust" - fairly complete musically, 4 minutes
"Gipsysong" - this one's got the golden riff, and part to follow it, but not much else. it's in 3/4
"Jesusliz" - two big parts so far to this one, and lyrics to the chorus. this will probably morph into that "Man in the Moon" song, which will then morph into "Fireman in the Moon."
"Let's Not Go Bowling" - Frankensteined the music to this one together in Wavepad. i'm still moving things around structurally, but I think I have enough parts for it. i'm not 100% it will actually become "let's not go bowling."
"Riffff66666" - another two-parter Jesus Lizard ripoff.
"Summertimes" - just two parts and a few words. i don't there will be much more than that, but I still need to find something to sing for the chorus
"Survivor of the Tiger" - musically, I've got two parts written with a weak transition between them. I have lyrics to the chorus, but haven't translated it to the guitar yet. i wrote a lot of silly words, but they may be a little too silly.
"wwwwww" - Just a couple of dissonant chords I was strumming late Friday night, but didn't write down how to play them, and the camera is at a bad angle for seeing my fingers.

That's about it so far. I feel like I'm behind, but I'm probably about where I was last year. RoBeastress is out town this week, so I should be able to record a track or two without anyone seeing my tantrums. It looks like I didn't even start recording until the 20th day last year. How the hell did I finish in just 8 days?

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