December 8, 2011

The RoBeast's Top 13 Xmas Songs

I'm not much a fan of the holidays, but there are still a handful of Xmas tunes that I dig a lot and recommend listening to at really any time of the year. Predictably, you will find in this playlist a pleasurable mix of Santanic violence, f-bombs, dark sarcastic lyrics, unorthodox takes on old classics, pensive S.A.D. downers, blatant and subtle anti-Xmas themes, and one from Gremlins.

The Kinks - "Father Christmas"
Pearl Jam - "Let Me Sleep (It's Xmastime)"
Darlene Love - "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)"
Fear - "Fuck Christmas"
The Kids of Widney High - "Santa is in a Wheelchair"
The Nightmare - "Riverbottom Nightmare Band" (from Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas)
Bit Shifter - "Let it Snow" (from The 8 Bits of Xmas)
Weird Al - "The Night Santa Went Crazy"
CKY - "Santa Claus is Coming"
Los Straightjackets - "Sleigh Ride"
The Waitresses - "Christmas Wrapping"
Run DMC - "Christmas in Hollis"
John Lennon - "Happy Xmas (War is Over)"

Yeah, I'm sure I forgot a bunch. Go write your own blog, blogger.

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