I spent the next 4 days in a full court press with my production coordinator (@tigerlilybelle you RAWK), and we called every single asshole in town. Seriously. Every single one. I thought my phone was going to meltdown or spontaneously combust. I had to recharge it a minimum of 3 times a day. It was insanity. I ended up bringing people in from the 3 other surrounding towns and getting people to drive down for the shoot. Oh yeah, the shoot was all at night and all exteriors. Who doesn't jump at the chance to pull an all-nighter in the wet and cold, and then turn around and drive home afterwards? SWEET! We didn't even have enough headsets for the whole crew because we had the last 20 headsets in TOWN. There were no more to be had anywhere. Then, because that was not hard enough for me, I go and convince them to add a real live stunt. Now we have stunt people and EMTs and more equipment. You never cheap out your stunts. You want a big hook moment in your trailer to grab the audience and bring them to see the movie, so your stunt better look good. NO faking it with a piece of pipe and some tight shots of the actress' face. Boo Hiss. That way leads to madness and bullshit and is a waste of cash. If you're gonna spend the money anyway...do it right.
Adding the stunt added a +10 modifier of difficulty to my job though. Because now there are EMTs to bring in and stunt people and a stunt coordinator and more equipment such as stunt
I worked a 25 hour day the day of the shoot. Me. Up for 25 hours working without the benefit of any kind of helpful drugs. Then I went into a mini-coma, and the second I recovered I had to do my returns and paperwork and shoot accounting which I sent off yesterday, and then I went out and got shitfaced drunk. So, that's where I was. I had nary a stray moment or brain cell to devote to the blog or anything else for that matter like washing my hair. From now on, I am going to have a bunch of posts pre-written just in case this kind of thing happens again, and it will. I am still on my learning curve with the bloggy blog blogthing. Bear with me. Have patience. I will never abandon you completely. I will never quit you entirely. If the blog ever (hah) starts generating cash, then I can loll about without pants and spend all my time stringing words together to titillate and amuse you. Until then though, Mommy has a mortgage payment and Voltron is costly to maintain. All the maintenance and spare parts and the fluids and spark plugs and such cost real Planet Arus dollars. Until then, I must jump on board when the works comes knocking on my door. Between my sheer exhaustion and this hangover, I have about 5 working brain cells left. I'm gonna go lay down now and dream of a world without pants.
Princess Out.
ps. Did I mention this movie is about Willie Nelson? Oh yeah, the red-headed stranger was on set until 3:15am.
lets here it for the peaches, princess. we rock it, then we rock out. yee haw!
I was tremendously impressed with all ya'll pulled off, and yea the food was delicious.
And I found it without the link working :)
Oh, and congrats... I now have Willie envy.....
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