sauce... This opens up a whole different can of worm dip.
Sauce -
1. flavorful relish or dressing or topping served as an accompaniment to food.
First, I forgot about
topping, so now I want to know what the difference between
dressing and
topping is.
Topping -
1. A sauce, frosting, or garnish for food.
Holy fuck, this just gets worse.
Frosting - 1.
a flavored sugar topping used to coat and decorate cakes
Ok, that's the end of the line for frosting, and it even came with a little picture of a cake.
Garnish - 1b. An embellishment added to a prepared food or drink for decoration or added flavor.
So a
garnish is something that is not a required ingredient for the already prepared food. It may enhance the flavor, but it is distinguished as serving a decorative purpose.
Frosting is a very specific
garnish, requiring flavored sugar. Some may argue that
frosting is a required ingredient for a cake, but they'd be wrong, motherfucker!
(By the way, the dictionary notes that frosting and icing are regional words meaning the same thing:
"Regional Note: Although both frosting and icing are widespread, people in New England, the Upper Midwest, and the Western U.S. tend to put frosting on cake. In Pennsylvania, New Jersey, the Lower Midwest, and all of the South, the preferred term is icing. There is some overlap, especially in upstate New York, Michigan, and California, but the regions in which the two words predominate are surprisingly distinct. A few people in the South call it by a third name, filling, even when it goes on top." I have a few other things to talk about now...
- You would think that with the dictionary basically saying frosting and icing are the same word with only "regional use" as the difference, it would completely invalidate my whole argument that no two words are the same. The RoBeastress and I, for a reason I can't remember, decided early on to excuse "regional use" as a valid difference. It's like saying "dog" and "perro" are two words that mean the exact same thing. I believe we've agreed that our argument needs to stay within one lexicon.
- If you are from the South and you call a topping filling, what the fuck is wrong with you? Maybe in your belly it's filling, but as long as it remains atop the food, just choose a topping term, or secede from the Union already. Or subscribe to the RoBeastress' blog which also defies all logic by not existing.
- Frosting and icing are also widespread in the Dessert Regions of the US Southwest. Huh huh, get it?! Yeah, not funny.)
Ok, we're done with the
Garnish Crime Family, I think. (Sounds like a joke, I know, but I spent the other morning studying the hierarchy of the Sopranos families, a completely fictional universe.) Let's get back to the
topping and
sauce hiearchy. I'm putting
topping befittingly at the top of the chain.
Sauce refers to something with a liquid component.
Topping can contain either or both (Oh Beauty, we need Venn diagrams!).
(I just read on Wikipedia that sauce for a salad is called salad dressing. They also have separate sections for Salad Dressing and Garnish on the salad page. There are now more arguments:
- If Salad Dressing does not fall under the Garnish category (which correctly includes ingredients not required for a salad such as bacon bits, croutons, etc.) then does that mean Salad Dressing is in fact a requirement to call a dish a salad?
- If that's true then the RoBeastress broke two laws of physics: A. dipping a carrot into a dressing, and B. eating a "salad" without salad dressing. Double Jeopardy!
- And if that's the case, than I'm just as bad for calling it a "salad" myself. And even worse, I usually don't eat salad with dressing.
- This is Wikipedia though and should really be discredited as a source.
- I'm not italicizing anything for a while because this is starting to become real work, and I'm certainly not getting paid for this.)
I tend to treat salad dressing as a garnish, but if dressings are sauces, then here is the big classification question: Are sauces a necessary ingredient for a dish? If yes, then dressing falls safely under sauce. If no, then dressing and sauce are a garnish, just like frosting.
A minor problem here involves another type of dressing--
stuffing (and we're back in italics again), and I mean both as nouns. I was thinking the root origins of
dressing meant a protective coat, much like dressing a wound keeps the blood in, dressing your body keeps your junk in, and dressing a salad means keeping the, I don't know, I guess it doesn't mean that at all. Dressing a turkey means stuffing it (now I'm using verbs), where the turkey body is acting to protect the dressing/stuffing. And this is mostly solid matter as far as I'm concerned, which would make it not a sauce anymore. What is in dressing? I sort of want to eradicate the term dressing as a synonym for stuffing. Did someone in the fucking South popularize that too?
I'm going to back up a bit. A lot actually, because I know this is going too far. Most of my preconceived notions regarding what dressing is came from linking it to the definitions of dress that involve coating something, but I see that in the sense of a sauce, it does not necessarily mean that. Dip the Noun hearkens back to the definition of Dip the Verb. It can certainly be classified by its method of application. Dressing, I feel is so obviously the same, but I just can't find any evidence to back it up. The language world is so vague about dressing. Sauce can be defined with sensation (flavorful), consistency (liquid), and dimension (accompanying food), but I just can't get that out of Dressing. I feel like I'm in limbo.
Relish - 3. a. A spicy or savory condiment or appetizer, such as chutney or olives.
Condiment - A substance, such as a relish, vinegar, or spice, used to flavor or complement food.
I feel like I should put
condiment atop the hierarchy now because it seems to encompass the universes of sensation and consistency. It neglects the dimension of
topping though. And also, the fact that
condiment is a compliment makes me think it's not a requirement, hence, a garnish when applied to a dish. So if a condiment is a garnish, and a relish is a condiment, and a sauce is a relish, and a topping is a sauce, and frosting is a topping, then ALL OF THESE THINGS ARE GARNISHES. What does that prove? Nothing! But now we know that Garnish tops the hierarchy.
Or does it?
Hey, let's see what Auguste Escoffier thinks!
In Le Guide culinaire,[3] Auguste Escoffier divides Seasoning and Condiments into the following groups:
- Saline seasonings—Salt, spiced salt, saltpeter.
- Acid seasonings—Plain vinegar, or same aromatized with tarragon; verjuice, lemon and orange juices.
- Hot seasonings—Peppercorns, ground or coarsely chopped pepper, or mignonette pepper; paprika, curry, cayenne, and mixed pepper spices.
- Saccharine seasonings—Sugar and honey.
- The pungents—Onions, shallots, garlic, chives, and horseradish.
- Hot condiments—Mustard, gherkins, capers, English sauces, such as Worcestershire, Harvey, ketchup, etc. and American sauces such as chili, Tabasco, A-1 Steak Sauce, etc.; the wines used in reductions and braisings; the finishing elements of sauces and soups.
- Fatty substances—Most animal fats, butter, vegetable greases (edible oils and margarine).
This is especially awesome because on my little chart that I've been attempting to draw to go along with this ridiculous conversation, I had divided Garnish into Condiments and Seasonings. Clearly, I was onto something, though I had no idea what. From there, I was attempting to classify Condiments into Sensation (sweet, savory, sour, salty) or Consistency (solid, liquid), but I just could not come up with something consistent (ironically?). Auguste apparently could not either, as he divided his into two completely different forms of Sensation (one scent and one taste) and one Category of Consistency on its own. His Seasonings category, in my opinion, is more clearly classified, but still we have that "hot" category I hadn't even considered (and usually don't consider when I order food). I feel that logically, I can still put Garnish at the top of the food chain (the food chain that is served
with food, at least), though I have no idea what Auguste would think about that.
All right... so how do we apply my questions to Auguste's system? Sauce, we can agree, is a condiment. Sauces can be divided up into 4 categories according to 19th century chef
Antonin Carême (Auguste would later further change the categories):
- Tomato Sauce, Based on tomato thickeners used such as arrowroot, tomato puree, roux and slurries
- Béchamel, based on milk, thickened with roux.
- Espagnole, based on brown stock (usually veal), thickened with a dark roux.
- Velouté, based on a white stock, thickened with roux.
Dips can fall under many of these different categories though. Soy sauce... hot condiment. Melted butter or Olive Oil... fatty substances. Fondue... Bechamel. Salad dressings seem to be able to fit in all over the map too. Does any of this prove anything? Christ, I don't even know anymore. It seems that these great chefs really had no interest in dividing things into Dimension like I do. They cared more about Sensation and Consistency. And as much as I would love to claim the Dictionary is on my team, it's just not. It defines Dip clearly, but not Dressing.
So for now, General Dowd wins. Sauce for all.
If I still have the energy, maybe I'll get into Brunch for ya tomorrow, Ken.